Monday, July 30, 2012

Blog 4: If He Hollers Let Him Go - Catharsis

Catharsis occurs in the scene where Bob's is trapped inside the cabin due to the lovely Madge. This scene seemed to be obvious to me because I had a feeling that something surely was coming his way and this was it. The audience starts to feel emotions of pity and fear. It indicates a build up of suspense of what Madge's next step would be and what card she going to throw. So Madge gets her way to lock Bob up in the room and takes this advantage to accuse him of raping her. Bob says, "I let out my breath, gave Madge a last warning look, then said aloud, "okay, I'll open up, just a minute" (Hines 179). In other words, the accusation that Madge sets on Bob gets the crowd (white men) outside the door against him. According to them Madge is considered to be a measly helpless bait that is being lacerated by a "black monster." This is where Madge shows that she has the power in her hands because those people will never side with Bob regardless if he's innocent or not. Whatever the outcome may be, it won't discard the fact that Bob is a "black monster." The fact that his presence inside with a white woman locked inside a room with a black person whose screaming rape, the automatic assumption is that Bob is guilty and his comeuppance therefore will lead to lynching.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Sungina (I apologize if that’s not your name, this is the name that appears on your blogger profile), my name is Kimon and I am a student of prof. Rogers-Cooper’s ENG 102 class. I have been assigned to comment on your post offering feedback.

    I believe you did a great job finding when the catharsis occurred in the storyline, stated why you believe so and explained very clearly. Your blog was strong and straight to the point, with a great use of the in-text quote by explaining it clearly and stating your opinion about it. The only suggestion I could offer would be to slightly introduce the assignment and text you are referring to since if I had not read the novel, I would have quite a difficult time understanding what you are talking about. It would be a shame to limit such strong ideas and opinions to just prof. JRC’s students. Overall I agree with you to the fullest extend about the catharsis occurrence and to be honest I actually had a difficult time finding it out myself. Now it is clear and I kind of feel silly for not having noticed it before.

    Feel free to reply with any questions of comments. Enjoy your summer!
